9 -я монопородная выставка нкп "пойнтер" (ранга чемпион клуба)


Открыта запись на МОНОПОРОДНУЮ ВЫСТАВКУ НКП "ПОЙНТЕР" РАНГА ЧЕМПИОН КЛУБА, и ВСЕРОССИЙСКУЮ ВЫСТАВКУ СОБАК ВСЕХ ПОРОД (CAC, ЧРКФ) ПАМЯТИ Л. П. САБАНЕЕВА которые состоятся 26 января 2013 г в Москве, Сокольники , паавильоны N 3, 4, 4.1

Стоимость записи с 1 до 31 декабря 2012 года
1200 рублей (беби, щенки, ветераны) / 1700 рублей (остальные классы)
При записи на САС + моно
2200 рублей (беби, щенки, ветераны) / 3200 рублей (остальные классы)

Записаться можно в:
1. Представительстве РФОС в офисе РКФ
Москва, ул.Гостиничная д.9 (5 этаж, комната 24) Прием документов: Пн-Чт - с 12 до 17.30 ч, срочных до 16.30 ч, Пт - до 14.30
2.НКП "Пойнтер" тел. 8926-7194167 и 8926-0592993 ,e-mail: nkp-pointer@mail.ru

1) Судья САС на выставке РФОС памяти Сабанеева - BIVIN Edd (USА)


Заводчик английских пойнтеров.

. International Judge since 1994
. President of Group Cinofilo Anconitano
. Member of Board of Pointer Club
I started very young to breed Pointer and attend the trials and exhibitions.
My first dog came Conero and the herd is a female that will be the parent farm.
In attendance at the trials and exhibitions knew dogs Murnensis livestock, dogs in those days, certainly not very big brand, but dogs are fixed in terms of the standard and especially dogs very venaticità.
I thought that bringing together the genealogies Conero / Murnensis I got some good dogs, with a marked imprint of race.
It did.
The first subject: Rampo, Prim, Penny Black were the dogs that have left an imprint in my breeding and, as I thought, I managed to get many dogs morphologically typical hunting while maintaining the look of them.
Later, to improve the substances, frames and sizes, I paired with farming del Biondo.
Even here I got excellent results.
Now I think my pedigrees are secure.
The French Bracco was a love at first sight, during my travels in France I had the opportunity to see these dogs and I was impressed by their flexibility so I started hunting and farming.