есть мишени?


ищу мишень для пистолета. где нарисованы мишени в человеческом облике 😊
всякие там террористы или захват заложника к примеру.
а то по кружочкам неинтересно..
поделитесь плиз! obmennick2@mail.ru


При стрельбе по биообъектам таковые воспринимаются как серые мешки.
Для развлекательной стрельбы рекомендую ,,колокол,,. Изогнутый лист металла, чтоб не было рекошета. Подвешенный, -чтоб звенел сильнее. Ну,а фотку врага на принтере уж сами...




2 теоретик?2:

две - убрал


А с органами и крупными костьми есть у кого?Или просто органами 😊

M ifu



... 😳 ...


У вас что элементарные силуеты отсутствуют,
Или вам образ врага неоходим?


А с органами и крупными костьми есть у кого?Или просто органами 😊

чем богаты.. 😊)



Anatomically Correct Life-Size Human Silhouette Targets

Law Enforcement Targets, Inc., is offering its new ANT-5 anatomical silhouette paper target. The target was expertly conceived and developed by Brian Puharic, who is an NRA certified firearms/personal protection instructor and Pennsylvania certified paramedic.

The target is very well designed and executed. Its dimensions are 30" x 48" and the life-size human-form silhouette is 28" x 43". The silhouette is printed on standard target paper in dark blue ink. Major vital organs and anatomic structures are outlined in a subdued medium blue. This clever color scheme makes the low-visibility "vital organs" very difficult to see at distances of about 3 yards and beyond, depending on lighting conditions. Shooters cannot "key" on specific organs to target. All that is readily visible is the blue human-shape silhouette.

We suggest the ANT-5 target be scored as follows:

Hits to the brain and cervical spinal cord of the neck are value "10" hits.

Hits to the heart or major blood vessels are value "9" hits.

Hits to any other vital organs or internal structures are value "8" hits.

Hits anywhere else on the silhouette are value "7" hits.

Missing the silhouette altogether is worth "0" points.

This simple scoring system is based on achieving the highest score possible for the number of shots fired. Value "10" hits are considered instantly incapacitating. Value "9" hits will produce certain and reliable incapacitation, but will take time. Value "8" hits involve other vital organs and major structures, and the results of these hits are uncertain. Value "7" hits are non-dynamic hits and will not force an assailant to stop. Any hit to a value "8" scoring zone or higher is a good hit.
---------- http://www.firearmstactical.com/briefs9.htm (c)


Вот два образа врага формата А4

