Где можно увидеть оружие Уинстона Черчиля?


Какими Маузерами он владел? С-96? 7.62 или 9 мм?
К98 в .375НН или .243 ? С внешней мушкой или без, какую оптику пользовал? Где музей в котором это есть находиться? Я через гугль не нашёл..


Кажется, намечается налет никарагуанцев на музей...


Какими Маузерами он владел?
Mauser '96, in 7.63mm (.30)
1896 Broomhandle Mauser.
1911 (on display in the Churchill Museum in London's Whitehall}

Massad Ayoob (2013 Gun Digest): "Sir Winston Churchill was a man who appreciated fine weapons. As a young officer he used a Broomhandle Mauser to good effect. Later, however, he became a [n]Colt[/b] man. British firearms historian Richard Law has unearthed some fascinating information with that regard.
Knowing he had been targeted by Hitler's agents for assassination, Churchill always went armed, his bodyguards notwithstanding. He kept a Thompson submachinegun loaded in a rack withing easy reach in his official limo. Discovering that his chief bodyguard carried a little .32 Webley, Churdhill ordered a new Colt Government Model .45 for his head of security.
A short time later, Churchill asked the lead bodyguard how he liked the new pistol. The man replied that he was still carrying the .32 because the Colt was too heavy. "Give it to me, then," snapped Churchill, as he shoved it into his overcoat. This became the great leader's personal carry gun until the end of the war.
