

Prosecutor Jan Pernvi told the Swedish newspaper The Local that in one 2009 case, a minimal sentence was handed down to a gang member who was arrested with a fully automatic pistol in his belt. The judge, he said, ruled that such a criminal "can be especially vulnerable when living in a dangerous environment, and therefore have personal reasons to be armed."

Pernvi was baffled. "So the court perceived it as mitigating circumstances that he was a professional criminal, even if it wasn't written in the sentence," he said. .... Illegal firearm possession can result in a one-year jail term, and cases deemed "serious" by the Swedish justice system can carry up to four years in prison. But one recent case, involving a member of Stockholm's "M-falangen" street gang who carried a fully-automatic rifle, resulted in just a four-month sentence.
Подробнее - http://dailycaller.com/2012/01/09/swedish-judges-coddle-gun-toting-gangsters-to-compensate-for-dangerous-city-streets/


как там известная поговорка гласит ?...When all guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns 😊


уголовники - их любимые клиенты, обеспечивающие им постоянный источник дохода. для этого уголовники должны быть на свободе.