Это ирландский сеттер?


Пара таких собак, по всей видимости, кобель и сука, каждый день выгуливается на заднем дворе ирландского посольства, на который выходят окна моей работы.

Слышал, что окрас, как на фото, достаточно редок. Однако в стандарте породы я его не нашёл, там описан только один окрас:
Коричнево-красный без малейшей примеси черного. Допускается небольшое количество белой шерсти на груди, горле, пальцах, небольшая белая проточина на голове.

Вопрос, в общем-то, в заголовке: это ирландский сеттер или что-то иное?

Извиняюсь за качество: фотографировал через двойное стекло и сетку под углом 45.


Почему же ирландский, то? Обычный английский... Причем окрас не комильфо, крап предпочтительнее...


Упс, и правда, спасибо. Прочёл стандарт, очень похоже.
Мне просто и в голову не могло придти, что ирландец заведёт себе английского сеттера, а не родного ирландского, учитывая особенную многовековую любовь между Ирландией и Англией.


Та лана те, посмотри скока КО в москве, однако к чеченам относится лучше не стали...


Почему же ирландский, то? Обычный английский... Причем окрас не комильфо, крап предпочтительнее...
Нормальный окрас у англичанина. У них вообще допуск от чисто белого до абсолютно черного, видел и таких на динамовских выставках. И линий с сильными отличиями в породе полно, все входят в стандарт.


Похож на красно-белого ирланского сеттера Как пишут он и Великобритании стал достаточно редок по сравнению с "красным" ирланцем
С ув, Виталий


Похож на красно-белого ирланского сеттера Как пишут он и Великобритании стал достаточно редок по сравнению с "красным" ирланцем
С ув, Виталий

Вот примерно это я и слышал. Так они всё-таки есть?


Что-то собачки и правда легковаты и высоковаты на ногах для англичан. По формату действитеьно больше на "алую чуму" похожи. Так на фото видится, во всяком случае.
А не может быть банальная помесь?


Не так давно по телевизору была передача, там показывали и рассказывали про ирландских сеттеров, а т.к. я давний фанат этой породы, то смотрел и слушал очень внимательно. Так вот, говорилось о том, что изначально ирландский сеттер выглядел именно так, как на представленных фотографиях, а уж потом англичане задались целью вывести чисто красного сеттера (типа модно так было), что с успехом и проделали скрещивая собак у которых красный цвет преобладал, причем зачастую в ущерб рабочим качествам. Теперь в ирландии набирает силу восстановление изначальной породы, но т.к. осталось мало представителей, то такие ирландцы пока еще редкость.


Ребят, есть стандарты пород, где они полностью описаны. В описании ирландского сеттера нет и намека на такой окрас. Цитирую стандарт ФЦИ

Rich chestnut with no trace of black; white on chest, throat, and toes; or small star on forehead or narrow streak or blaze on nose or face not to disqualify

Все что не соответствует данному стандарту - не ирландский сеттер, а другая порода. Другие качества и соответствия стандарту по данной фотографии оценить сложно. Появился и вправду год назад еще один ирландский сеттер - красно-пегий. Но какова его судьба в россии -не могу сказать.
вот стандартORIGIN : Ireland.


UTILIZATION : Most acceptable companion and friend in the homes and the fields. The Irish Red & White Setter is bred primarily for the field. The standard as set out hereunder must be interpreted chiefly from this point of view and all Judges at bench shows must judge the exhibits chiefly from the working standpoint.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 7 Pointing Dogs
Section 2 British and Irish Pointers
and Setters.
With Working Trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Irish Setter probably came to its own at the end of the 17th century. It is not well known outside of Ireland that there are two breeds of Irish Setters, but is fairly certain, that the Red and White Setter is the older of the two, and that judicious selective breeding evolved the solid red colour. When Irish Setters came to the show benches, just past the middle of the 19th century, there was a good deal of confusion about their proper colour. By the end of the 19th century, the Red Setter had virtually eclipsed the Red and White, which became so rare, that they were thought to be extinct. During the 1920s, efforts were made to revive the breed. By 1944, the breed had re-established itself well enough to have a club of its own, and today it can be seen in healthy numbers at Irish shows and Field Trials. The present Club the Irish Red & White Setter Field & Show Society was formed in 1981 and through its endeavours and direction the breed is now well established nationally and internationally. The Irish Red & White Setter competes successfully in Field Trials against the other pointing breeds and there are now quite a number of Field Trial Champions and Show Champions.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Strong well balanced and proportioned without lumber; athletic rather than racy. The Irish Red & White Setter is bred primarily for the field and must be judged chiefly from the working standpoint.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Aristocratic, keen and intelligent. Displays a kindly, friendly attitude, behind which should be discernible determination, courage and high spirit. The Red and White Setter is very friendly, dependable and easily trained gundog.

HEAD : Broad in proportion to the body.

Skull : Domed without showing occipital protuberance, as in the Irish Red Setter.
Stop : Good Stop.

Muzzle : Clean and square.
Jaws : Jaws of equal or nearly equal length.
Teeth : Regular teeth; scissor bite ideal; edge to edge bite acceptable.
Eyes : Dark hazel or dark brown; oval, with slight prominence and without haw.
Ears : Set level with the eyes, and well back, lying close to the head.

NECK : Moderately long, very muscular, but not too thick, slightly arched, free from all tendency to throatiness.

BODY : Strong and muscular.
Back : To be strong and well muscled.
Chest : Deep, with well sprung ribs.

TAIL : Moderate length, not reaching below hock, strong at root. Tapering to fine point; no appearance of ropiness and carried level with or below the back.

LIMBS : Well muscled and sinewy; strong bone.

Shoulders : Well laid back.
Elbows : Free, turning neither in nor out.
Forelegs : Straight and sinewy, well boned.
Pastern : Strong.

HINDQUARTERS : Wide and strong; hind legs from hip to hock long and muscular.
Stifle : Well bent.
Hock : Well let down, turning neither in nor out. From hock to foot of moderate length and strong.

FEET : Close-knit with plenty of feathering between toes.

GAIT : When moving at the trot long striding, very lively, graceful and efficient. Head held high, hindquarters drive smoothly and with great power. Forelegs reach well ahead and remain low. Seen from or rear forelegs and hindlegs below the hock joint moving perpendicularly to the ground, no crossing or weaving of legs, front or back.


HAIR : Long silky fine hair called "Feathering" on the back of the fore and hind legs and on the outer ear flap, also a reasonable amount on the flank extending on to the chest and throat forming a fringe. All feathering straight, flat and free from curl but slight wave is permissible. The tail should be well feathered. On all other parts of the body the hair should be short, flat and free from curl.

COLOUR : Base colour white with solid red patches (clear islands of red colour), both colours should show the maximum of life and bloom; flecking but not roaning permitted around the face and feet and up the foreleg as far as the elbow and up the hindleg as far as the hock. Roaning, flecking and mottling on any other part of the body is objectionable.

Desirable Height at the withers : Dogs : 24,5 - 26 ins. (62 - 66 cm).
Bitches : 22,5 - 24 ins. (57 - 61 cm).

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

Any dog or bitch not conforming to the height standard.

Aggressive or overly shy.
Males not having two apparently normal testicles.
Although flecking but not roaning is permitted around the face and feet and up the forelegs as far as the elbow and up the hindleg as far as the hock, visible and excessive roaning, flecking and mottling on any other part of the body is an eliminating fault.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Кстати, в стандарте сделан упор на рабочие качества породы.


то Покет

FCI-Standard N? 330 / 15. 06. 2005 / GB

ORIGIN : Ireland.


UTILIZATION : Most acceptable companion and friend in the homes and the fields. The Irish Red & White Setter is bred primarily for the field. The standard as set out hereunder must be interpreted chiefly from this point of view and all Judges at bench shows must judge the exhibits chiefly from the working standpoint.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 7 Pointing Dogs
Section 2 British and Irish Pointers
and Setters.
With Working Trial.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY : The Irish Setter probably came to its own at the end of the 17th century. It is not well known outside of Ireland that there are two breeds of Irish Setters, but is fairly certain, that the Red and White Setter is the older of the two, and that judicious selective breeding evolved the solid red colour. When Irish Setters came to the show benches, just past the middle of the 19th century, there was a good deal of confusion about their proper colour. By the end of the 19th century, the Red Setter had virtually eclipsed the Red and White, which became so rare, that they were thought to be extinct. During the 1920s, efforts were made to revive the breed. By 1944, the breed had re-established itself well enough to have a club of its own, and today it can be seen in healthy numbers at Irish shows and Field Trials. The present Club the Irish Red & White Setter Field & Show Society was formed in 1981 and through its endeavours and direction the breed is now well established nationally and internationally. The Irish Red & White Setter competes successfully in Field Trials against the other pointing breeds and there are now quite a number of Field Trial Champions and Show Champions.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Strong well balanced and proportioned without lumber; athletic rather than racy. The Irish Red & White Setter is bred primarily for the field and must be judged chiefly from the working standpoint.

BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT : Aristocratic, keen and intelligent. Displays a kindly, friendly attitude, behind which should be discernible determination, courage and high spirit. The Red and White Setter is very friendly, dependable and easily trained gundog.

HEAD : Broad in proportion to the body.

Skull : Domed without showing occipital protuberance, as in the Irish Red Setter.
Stop : Good Stop.

Muzzle : Clean and square.
Jaws : Jaws of equal or nearly equal length.
Teeth : Regular teeth; scissor bite ideal; edge to edge bite acceptable.
Eyes : Dark hazel or dark brown; oval, with slight prominence and without haw.
Ears : Set level with the eyes, and well back, lying close to the head.

NECK : Moderately long, very muscular, but not too thick, slightly arched, free from all tendency to throatiness.

BODY : Strong and muscular.
Back : To be strong and well muscled.
Chest : Deep, with well sprung ribs.

TAIL : Moderate length, not reaching below hock, strong at root. Tapering to fine point; no appearance of ropiness and carried level with or below the back.

LIMBS : Well muscled and sinewy; strong bone.

Shoulders : Well laid back.
Elbows : Free, turning neither in nor out.
Forelegs : Straight and sinewy, well boned.
Pastern : Strong.

HINDQUARTERS : Wide and strong; hind legs from hip to hock long and muscular.
Stifle : Well bent.
Hock : Well let down, turning neither in nor out. From hock to foot of moderate length and strong.

FEET : Close-knit with plenty of feathering between toes.

GAIT : When moving at the trot long striding, very lively, graceful and efficient. Head held high, hindquarters drive smoothly and with great power. Forelegs reach well ahead and remain low. Seen from or rear forelegs and hindlegs below the hock joint moving perpendicularly to the ground, no crossing or weaving of legs, front or back.


HAIR : Long silky fine hair called "Feathering" on the back of the fore and hind legs and on the outer ear flap, also a reasonable amount on the flank extending on to the chest and throat forming a fringe. All feathering straight, flat and free from curl but slight wave is permissible. The tail should be well feathered. On all other parts of the body the hair should be short, flat and free from curl.

COLOUR : Base colour white with solid red patches (clear islands of red colour), both colours should show the maximum of life and bloom; flecking but not roaning permitted around the face and feet and up the foreleg as far as the elbow and up the hindleg as far as the hock. Roaning, flecking and mottling on any other part of the body is objectionable.

Desirable Height at the withers : Dogs : 24,5 - 26 ins. (62 - 66 cm).
Bitches : 22,5 - 24 ins. (57 - 61 cm).

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.

· Any dog or bitch not conforming to the height standard.

· Aggressive or overly shy.
· Males not having two apparently normal testicles.
· Although flecking but not roaning is permitted around the face and feet and up the forelegs as far as the elbow and up the hindleg as far as the hock, visible and excessive roaning, flecking and mottling on any other part of the body is an eliminating fault.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.


Ну, я и говорю, красно пегий ирландский сеттер.


Ну, я повелся на слово WHITE (:0))


Это хорошо, что есть люди, возрождающие старые, почти потерянные породы, иначе от них остаются только названия и воспоминания


Вона как, а я и не знал. думал ирландские сеттеры только красные бывают. Возрождать породу, это конечно, здорово, но внешний вид можно повторить за несколько поколений, а как быть с рабочими качествами, которые оттачивались веками?


Это и есть Ирландские Красно-Белые сеттеры. Теперь два таких чуда есть в Гленкаре. Глиттер(сука)-5месяцев и Бой(кобель)-2 месяца. Мальчишка - наш.