Hi to everybody!


Just registered yesterday, but got bumped off the board already.I do not have the russian keyboard, so will be corresponding in english. You guys can replay in russian if you want.
I am a gun enthusiast, have 4 pistols, 2 rifles, 1 shotgun and 1 sudmachine gun (avtomat).
I know some stuff about guns, so would be interesting to share the experience.


Just registered yesterday, but got bumped off the board already.I do not have the russian keyboard, so will be corresponding in english. You guys can replay in russian if you want.

When you post a message or a reply on the left hand side of the entry form you'll notice a button named [Translit].
It won't translate, it will recode Latin to Cyrillic. Say you type "Privet", it'll become "Привет". We all, I mean "foreigners", use it. Drop me a line if you want an offline version of that thing. Why is it better? It has a legend what means what. For instance you might not know that "sz" means "щ". As Billy said, it takes a while to get used to that, but you'll do just fine after a few hardcore discussions.

Welcome aboard!

С уважением



Welcome. You'll find a bunch of interesting discussions going on. Some are just a chit-chat and some are somewhat educational.
I suggest that you write in Russian. Use the original keyboard as you would write in russian transliteration. For example: Privet vsem! Press «translit» button when done typing. It took me a while to get a hang of it, but it works.
HillBilly...somewhere out there....


You are a gun nut, but that's allright.


I know some stuff about guns, so would be interesting to share the experience.

Может посоветуете где в окрестностях Маями можно найти хорошие тихие стрельбища?


To AT:This is where I go to blast away:
American Range & Gun Shop
3130 SW 19th Street #453
Pembroke Park Florida 33009
my e-mail: bursha@adelphia.net


Спасибо. А какие там условия? Я был в этих краях только в Tral Glades Range (17601 SW 8-th Street) и мне очень не понравилось: толпа народу, шум, суета, запреты на все подряд и т.п. После мест где я чаще всего стрелял в одиночку совсем тоскливо.

P.S. Рекомендую транслитератор http://www.translit.ru - очень помогает.


Для ТА:yсловия ОК. стрелят можно что yгодно, толко пистолетныи калибр. Стреляй так быстро как душа желает. Ружья, карабины, пистолеты, автоматы, все разрешено, если толко в пистолетном патроне.
6 долларов за весь день


Спасибо. Обидно, конечно, что калибр только пистолетный.