Инженерство разделяет чертежи


На английском языке: Здравствуйте!. Я закупил workstation для учить computer aided чертить и проектировать (workstation точности M70 Dell передвижной 😛, и до тех пор я делаю модели и агрегаты от великобританского MPA записывают (Authered H.M. Buckley).
Пробка молотка 1-ое pic выставки винтовки MPA, вызовите блок с частями и корпусом клапана (потребностью моделировать весны и винты регулировки также, как винты отладки для окончательной сборки.)
Другой pics от EMPs для компенсатора, котор я получил от патента США.
Мне нужно для того чтобы работать дальше теперь будет вариантами имитации движения. (In this case, modul вызванное 'просто движением в SE V17).
Делает любое здесь имейте VSе хорошие соединения к чертежам частей инженерства частей пуска пушки, TAK, CTO я смогу напрактиковать больше имитаций моделирования и движения CAD? Более поздно я вывешу видеоего имитации движения и pics полного агрегата.


In english: Hello. I purchased a workstation for learning computer aided drafting and engineering (Dell precision M70 mobile workstation), and so far I am making models and assemblies from the british MPA book (Authered by H.M. Buckley).

The 1st pic shows the MPA rifle's hammer tube, trigger block with parts and valve housing (Need to model springs and adjustment screws as well as fixing screws for final assembly.)

The other pic is a practice model I made from EMPs for a compensator I got from a US patent.

What I need to work on now is the motion simulation options. (In this case, a modul called "simply motion in SE V17).

Does anyone here have any good links to engineering parts drawings of gun trigger parts, so that I can practice more CAD modeling and motion simulations?

Later I will post a video of the motion simulation and pics of full assembly.


Hi, Chris! Long time to see! 😊

If you want, I have some surface projections of Walther mechanism, all you have to do is to build solids with extrusion option. I can send it to you in IGES, DXF and DWG format. My models are metric, so I'll skip my measurements. I've included a little screen capture, it'll look like this.

BTW, how's your multi stroke pumper project?


Thanks VictOr358.

Is it ok if that document were in all 3 file types? What file type is most usefull for a program that uses parasolids like Solid edge or Inventor 8? Both can open several file types, but I don't know what makes them different etc cause I am a newbie.

Also about my project, still taking baby steps, so basically still doing alot of reading etc, but now narrowed down my interests (as it relates to mechanical components) down to:

1. Inline dump valves and triggering mechanisms.

2. Cardew's regulation system with dump valve.

3. Milliman's inline poppet valve in crosman's 10m CO2 match pistol.

After I have enough knowledge with my CAD set up etc, I can feel more confident in initiating something. During that time, I will need someone to review my work etc (Many months down the road from now, because school and work take up loads of time.)


Chris, that's totally Ok, as there are lines only, means no solids, means not heavy. The CNC pro I've talked to recently has said that IGES is the way to go if you're going to order the precission machining.

So, my address is victor.tsygankov( a t )gmail.com, mail me, I'll convert this drawing from .3dm to .igs, and meanwhile, check if your CAD/CAM can handle this format.