какое счастье, что я из этого универа выпустился уже...(статья на 5-7 минут)



The inaugural UCI Citizen Peacebuilding Award will be presented to Gorbachev in recognition of his impact on world peace and his continued dedication to making the world a safer place. Thereafter, it will be named in his honor as the UCI Mikhail Gorbachev Citizen Peacebuilding Award and presented to other committed peace builders. The award, created by sculptor and studio arts professor Gifford Myers, will be made from parts of guns that were confiscated and donated by the Orange County Sheriff's Office.

Какие уроды, ёклмн...


А почему они уроды?


Я честно говоря уже не знаю привел ли распад СССРа к качественному изменению в уровне насилия в мире. Однако сам факт очень приятен.