the creation (special forces version)


(Special Forces Version)

And the Lord spoke forth unto the heavens and said, "let there be Airborne." The earth did tremble and quake and the waters did rise up and the clouds did part and there came forth a multitude of parachutes that filled the sky. God looked down and saw this was good. And they were good; they were AIRBORNE.

God then spake forth unto the land and said: "Let there be Rangers." And all at once the day turned into darkness, and the winds did howl, and mountains crumbled into the sea, and the great rocks did part, and there sprang forth a horde of Mephistopheles' disciples wearing Ranger tabs and carrying all sorts of deadly weapons. God looked down and saw that this was bad. And they were bad; they were RANGERS.

Then God spoke forth thrice, unto the sky, the earth, and the sea, and said: "Let there be Special Forces." Lightning did flash and echo across the sky. Mountains spewed molten rock and rained fire upon the land. Tidal waves surged against the shore. Despair, disorder and turmoil did prevail. Forthwith, there did appear a band of twelve extraordinary men. A few came from beneath the waves; others jumped from the sky; and more still stalked silently from the dense forests. Each one was in camouflage battle dress, wearing a Green Beret. Working together, they brought peace unto the land. God looked down and saw that this was amazing. And they were amazing; they were SPECIAL FORCES.

Besides himself, God now spake forth again and commanded: "Let all ye that be weak in mind and body, arise and go forth." And lo, from the abyss they crawled forward with indecision and limped weakly upon the earth. God looked down and shook His head, for this was pathetic. And they were pathetic; they were LEGS.

After seeing that nearly all was good, GOD was not yet satisfied. How will My Purveyors of Destruction reach their far distant lands? "And behold a pale horse; and his name that sat upon him was Death, and Hell followed him. And power was given unto kill with the sword; and with hunger; and with death; and with the beasts of the earth. "I shall call him Night Stalker. He shall be swift, sure, and above all, deadly with his accuracy". Now all will truly fear the dark, as a child fears the Demon in his dreams. GOD looked down and saw that this was devastating - And they were devastating - they were Night Stalkers.


Кто такие Legs обьясняй сам.


ну уж нет)) Штатный спец по военным вопросам у нас Вы так что уступаю вам поле и мяч.


кстати хороший сайт.. правда документальной инфы маловато и фоток не так много ))

В мире есть три самые большие и бесполезные вещи: Египетские пирамиды, Великая китайская стена и Дезерт Игл.


Legs это пехота


Нэт. Это люди прошедшие школу рэйнджеров, но не научившиеся прыгать с парашютом. Пользуются презрением настоящих рэйнджеров. По крайней мере я так слышал.

Я, кстати, не особо понимаю такой уровень самомнения среди 160го отряда.


Основатель зелёных беретов похоже умирает. Полковнику Аарону Бэнксу 104 года и он сейчас в госпитале в неважном состоянии. Вот статья о нём, англ.


а легс енто разве не синдром усталых ног? че то слыхивал про енто краем уха.

А насчте найт сталкер так енто единственное соединение в своем роде. Типа экипажи с дополнительной командой которая вооружена как спецназ, пушкари то есть сидящие внутри с пулеметами. Есть чем гордиться)) я бы гордился))

к тому же типа как первопроходцы в совершенствовании тактик заброски спец групп в особых условиях.

В мире есть три самые большие и бесполезные вещи: Египетские пирамиды, Великая китайская стена и Дезерт Игл.