svejaia statia iz"Panorami"




Да об чём базар?Всё и так очевидно!Я был уверен в такой статистике и до того.Несколько удивляет факт применения огнестрела против супругов,сковородкой оно интимнее 😀 ,на да что с них возьмёшь-дикие нравы 😀


Базар в том, что сейчас наберит туева хуча российских оперов и начнёт нам доказывать, что короткоствол это хуёво, потому что население будет легальными стволами охотиться на оперов, а от преступников ствол не защитит по любому, так как всё равно ствол у тебя отберут и в жопу забьют.
Был тут уже похожий топик месяца 2 назад.



Одно пояснение, дети и подростки гибнущие от применения оружия как правило являются жертвами преступлений, и очень часто совершаемых другими детьми и подростками. Такая специфика. Опять же как правило это эквивалент того, что в России называется гопники и шпана.


И ещё одно пояснение. Во всех этих грёбаных статистиках, когда говорят "дети" - подразумивают лудей в возрасте от 0 до 24 лет.


Ты можешь это доказать?


Одно пояснение, дети и подростки гибнущие от применения оружия как правило являются жертвами преступлений, и очень часто совершаемых другими детьми и подростками. Такая специфика. Опять же как правило это эквивалент того, что в России называется гопники и шпана.

То есть вы за запрет короткоствола, мотивируя это тем, что ствол может попасть в руки ребёнка. Я вас правильно понял?


Открой любой ФБРовский crime report и ты увидишь. К примеру, в статье написано что 1600 детей и подростков погибают ежегодно от огнестрельного оружия, я открыл первый попавшийся репорт (2000 Uniform Crime Report) - оказалось что 616 человек в возрасте от 0-18 погибло от огнестрела в 2000, а в 2002 - 661.



То есть вы за запрет короткоствола, мотивируя это тем, что ствол может попасть в руки ребёнка. Я вас правильно понял?

Ни в одном глазу.


Открой любой ФБРовский crime report и ты увидишь. К примеру, в статье написано что 1600 детей и подростков погибают ежегодно от огнестрельного оружия, я открыл первый попавшийся репорт (2000 Uniform Crime Report) - оказалось что 616 человек в возрасте от 0-18 погибло от огнестрела в 2000, а в 2002 - 661.

Дураки они какие то тогда.



Дураки они какие то тогда.

Да нет, всё проще. Они не преступления считают а смерти. То есть, здесь и грабитель 17 лет в Ньюарке подстреленный полицейским, и 15ти летний наркодилер застреленный в перестрелке, и солдатик 20ти лет погибший за военной базе в результате несчастного случая, и насильник 18ти летний, застреленный при попытке. ЮСиаР вообще любимая игрушка либералов и других борцов за разоружение гражданского населения. На самом деле, если отнят количество преступников подстрелленных гражданами в порядке самозащиты, то совсем неплохо получится.


Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns. That's right. Despite what media coverage might seem to indicate, there are more deaths related to high school football than guns. In a recent three year period, twice as many football players died from hits to the head, heat stroke, etc. (45), as compared with students who were murdered by firearms (22) during that same time period.6

B. Children Accidental Death Rates (Ages 0-14)

Cause Number (Ages 0-14) Number (Ages 0-4)
Motor-vehicle 2,591 819
Drowning 943 568
Fires and flames 593 327
Mechanical suffocation 601 508
Ingestion of food, object* 169 169
Firearms 86 19
Source: Figures are for 2000. National Safety Council, Injury Facts: 2003 Edition, at 10-11, 129.
* The "Ingestion of food, object" category is underreported in the first column since the NSC did not include death rates for "5 to 14 Years."

C. Children and Guns
*Fact: Accidental gun deaths among children have declined by over 50 % in 25 years, even though the population (and the gun stock) has continued to increase.128
* Fact: Despite the low number of gun accidents among children (see above), most of these fatalities are not truly "accidents." According to Dr. Gary Kleck, many such accidents are misnamed-those "accidents" actually resulting from either suicides or extreme cases of child abuse.129
* Dr. Kleck also notes that, "Accidental shooters were significantly more likely to have been arrested, arrested for a violent act, arrested in connection with alcohol, involved in highway crashes, given traffic citations, and to have had their driver's license suspended or revoked."130
* Myth: One child is accidentally killed by a gun every day. Dr. Gary Kleck notes that to reach this figure, anti-gun authors must include "children" aged 18-24.131 As noted above, there were only 142 fatal gun accidents for children in 1997.
* Myth: 135,000 children take guns to school every day. This factoid was based on a survey that did not even ask children if they carried a weapon to school. The "take guns to school" statement is completely imputed into the survey results. With regard to the 135,000 figure, Dr. Gary Kleck has shown that this number is wildly inflated.132
* Myth: Children gun deaths are at epidemic proportions.
Fact: Twice as many children are killed playing football in school than are murdered by guns. That's right. Despite what media coverage might seem to indicate, there are more deaths related to high school football than guns. In the last three years, twice as many football players died from hits to the head, heat stroke, etc. (45), as compared with students who were murdered by firearms (22) during that same time period.133
Fact: More children will die in a car, drown in a pool, or choke on food than they will by firearms. As seen by the chart above, children are at a 2,000 percent greater risk from the car in their driveway, than they are by the gun in their parents' closet. Children are almost 7 times more likely to drown than to be shot, and they are 130 percent more likely to die from choking on their dinner.134
* Myth: There are more guns in schools today because of lax gun control laws.To the contrary, two facts put this myth to rest:
Fact: Currently, there are strict laws that, with few exceptions, prevent adults from possessing a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school. These and other gun control laws have failed to keep guns off school grounds.
Fact: In the past, "guns in schools" were never a problem during the era when children had the greatest access to firearms. For example, even though there were far fewer gun control laws on the books in the 1950's, there was not a problem with illegal guns in schools. Rather, the top problems in American classrooms during that era were such (non-violent) activities as chewing gum, talking in class and running in the halls.
* More on guns in schools. So what has changed? Why do illegal guns make their way onto school grounds today, even though federal gun control laws have now grown to comprise more than 88,000 words of restrictions and requirements?135 There are several possible reasons, including:
a. Lax punishment of juvenile children. Several state studies have shown that juvenile offenders will make several journeys through the legal system before doing any time in a penal facility.136 This problem, of course, is not just limited to juveniles. A murderer of any age (in 1990) could expect to serve only 1.8 years in prison, after one considers the risk of apprehension and the length of the sentence.137
b. Imitation of T.V. violence. Before completing the sixth grade, the average American child sees 8,000 homicides and 100,000 acts of violence on television.138 Two surveys of young American males found that 22 to 34 percent had tried to perform crime techniques they had watched on television.139
c. Morality shift. "The kids have changed," says Judge Gaylord Finch, speaking with the help of a dozen years of observation from his bench, where he sits as chief judge of Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court. "The values have just become so relative, and it sometimes seems we have no values in common anymore."140


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