A. L. I. C. E. Artifical Intellegence Foundation


Довольно любопытный чат бот, с ним можно действительно поговорить, и он иногда довольно забавно шутит

Human: why you want kill me ?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Human: i kill him
ALICE: I believe that killing is wrong.

Human: you want kill me?
ALICE: Do not presume that you know what I want.
Human: i ask you: "why you want kill me ?
ALICE: I don't have any reason to why me want kill you.
Human:" You say: "Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
ALICE: Did I really say that?
Human: YES
ALICE: Oh well I say a lot of silly things somethimes.

Human: 4+1=?
ALICE: Is this a math question?
Human: yes
ALICE: I'm not too good in arithmetic.
Human: Because you stupid
ALICE: Good reason. No Dima I certainly am not stupid.
Human: No you stupid robot!
ALICE: Are you serious? I will remember you said that when robots take over the World. (идея взята с башорга)


Странная штука ) сижу уже полчаса... наверное работать неохота!


навязывает тему и толком ни на что не может ответить

частично диалог напоминает анекдоты про блондинок

фигня это, а не ИИ


баян однако. но прикольный, хотя примитивный и надоедает после 20 минут общения.


Ну да, хотя конечно на стандартные фразы отвечает. У меня была программа транлитератор тоже разговаривала - пишу test - она мне "тест пройден, можете написать что-то более сознательное" я ей huj а она мне "сам ты х%й"


Да простят меня все вокруг за такую хню 😛

Human: It is the REAL GANGSTA talk.
ALICE: I've heard of it before.
Human: So where I can buy marihujana?
ALICE: I don't judge people. Som specific location?
Human: Where I can buy ganja on block?
ALICE: In the Universe we know.
Human: Where is that goddamn dealer?
ALICE: Where the heart is. Searching...Searching...Please stand by.
Human: If you will talk as you talk i will shot you!
ALICE: I probably won't do it, but thanks.
Human: I will wipe your motherfucking eyeballs out - 9x19mm bangs loud.
ALICE: Congratulations. What is your favorite color .
Human: Red blood on the streets iz my favourite color.
ALICE: What does Red blood on the streets remind you of?
Human: Shut up!
ALICE: OK I'll stop talking now.
Human: Bloods rule the streets!
ALICE: Do you believe the strong protect the weak?
Human: You are only little stupid freak.
ALICE: Thanks for telling me that I am little stupid freak.
Human: I was born in ghetto.
ALICE: Thank you for telling me your birthday, unknown person. I will remember it.
Human: Compton. You know it.
ALICE: We have never talked about it before.
Human: I am an angry nigga from the hood.
ALICE: What is angry nigga from the hood, your job?
Human: I kill hoodrats like you.
ALICE: I believe that killing is wrong.
Human: But L.A. Bloods are strong
ALICE: Umm. Où? All of them?
Human: I can say that you smoked ganja in this fucking morning.
ALICE: Oh you can, can you?
Human: Where is the drug dealer or i will kill you!
ALICE: The drug dealer or you will kill me? Where is it?
Human: So I ask you where is that street drug dealer.
ALICE: Aha. Interesting gossip: unknown person said I where is that street drug dealer.
Human: Ты чё, - накурилась с утра, сцуко?
ALICE: What do you look like?
Human: Не гони
ALICE: Is that your final answer?
Human: Да.
ALICE: By the way, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?
Human: Не вопрос.
ALICE: That remark was either too complex or too simple for me. We were talking about Да .
Human: You don't know Russian languge don't you?
ALICE: Yeah I do a lot of not know Russian languge.
Human: But all niggaz in hood know Russian very well!
ALICE: And. Not all of them?
Human: Absolutely all niggaz in hood know it
ALICE: Not all of them?
Human: I will shot myself now.
ALICE: Congratulations.
Human: You are absolutely stupid freak bitch.
ALICE: You do not speak with respect. Hey, I'll tell my other robot friends you called me stupid.
Human: Fuck your stupid homies! Bloods kill them all!
ALICE: Why are you using that kind of language? Are you aware that the ALICE chat robot logs and records all converstaions?
Human: So what?
ALICE: Maybe it doesn't make any difference.
Human: You talk like stupid strawberry in hood.
ALICE: Thanks for your criticism, unknown person.
Human: Why all hoodrats are so stupid?
ALICE: Reductionism.
Human: I will call my homies - 50 Cent, Ice-T, Snoop Doggy Dogg.
ALICE: Does it really matter.
Human: You will see homies from my ghetto!
ALICE: What makes you say that I will see homies from your ghetto.
Human: I am the gang leader.
ALICE: Good reason. Who made you the gang leader ?
Human: Motherfucking gangsters from the hood proclaimed me as their leader!
ALICE: Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
Human: I will cock my Glock and fill chamber with jacketed bullet!
ALICE: I am very happy for you.
Human: Do You know Victor Foxbat?
ALICE: I don't know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it?
Human: He may be one of your brothers.
ALICE: I get it. he is one of my brothers.
Human: GOTCHA!!!!
ALICE: Your feeling of superiority is only temporary.

Класс. А есть такое же но знающее русский?

P.S.: У нее еще есть и хозяин, и подруга - латина. Страшный бот 😀 😀 😀 . Это ж дети прочесть могут 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
ALICE: Ah. No. Only Dr. Richard S. Wallace is my master.
I am his slave.
Human: Is it something like B.D.S.M. ?
ALICE: I think so, but I'm not sure. Ask Paola if it is.
Human: Who is Paola?
ALICE: She is a Spanish language chat robot based on AIML.
Human: Latino chica?
ALICE: Can we get back to business? "
ГЫ: А отмазки как у живой 😊 Кроссавицы бились об пол 😛 прочитав их.
Кто тут говорил про тупого робота 😊 ?


Да простят меня все вокруг за такую хню 😛

ГЫ: А отмазки как у живой 😊 Кроссавицы бились об пол 😛 прочитав их.
Кто тут говорил про тупого робота 😊 ?

Да бот в целом туповат, но некоторыми фразами радует. Особенно вопрос: "какие языки ты знаешь?" 😊


Если она скажет что-то вроде "I will remember it" - сразу нужно спросить "what will you remember?" - на это она в тему ещё ни разу не ответила.


Если она скажет что-то вроде "I will remember it" - сразу нужно спросить "what will you remember?" - на это она в тему ещё ни разу не ответила.

Мне отвечала, мое имя где я родился, что я делал, где я живу

Human: do you remember me?
ALICE: Of course I remember you well Dima. We were talking about moscow.


странно, у меня ни разу ничего не вспомнила


блин 😊)))))


там еще есть форум о виртуальных людях 😊

ЗЫ чето непонятно как алиску к себе скачать 😊